13 Burning Questions

For Thursday 13 today, here are some questions I’d like to know about my readers, whether you’re new or a veteran. It’s good to know about the people who frequent me. These are things I typically find myself curious about.  Feel free to answer some of them or all.

  1. What part of the country are you from? Big town or small?
  2. Do you have kids?
  3. What food would make you sad if you could not eat it for the rest of your life?
  4. How did you start blogging/get interested in the realm of blogging?
  5. Of all the places you have visited in the U.S., what city is your favorite?
  6. Name one place you’d rather be right now.
  7. Do you do most of your blog reading at work or at home?
  8. Do you have a PC or a laptop?
  9. Name one of your goals for this month.
  10. Name the last restaurant at which you ate.
  11. Name the first thing that comes to mind when I say 1998:
  12. How did you find my blog?
  13. Where are you headed on the net now that you’re done reading this?

Visit Thursday 13 here

11 thoughts on “13 Burning Questions

  1. As a writer, blogging seemed like the perfect canvas. It’s my writer’s filing cabinet and petrie dish at the same time. For #11 I’d answer: My son’s high school graduation.

  2. Okay! I feel complimented 🙂 Thank you for asking about me, well, your readers 🙂

    1. I am from the South. I live in a small town. Our internet goes out so much, along with other stuff, I often say we have a third-world infrastructure 🙂 There is not even a bookstore for about 30 miles away.

    2. I have a son that will be 20 in November.

    3. I think I would die without chocolate. It cures everything, you know.

    4. I wanted to be able to connect with people beyond myself and here. I enjoy seeing life through other eyes and perspectives.

    5. A few years ago, I would have said New Orleans was my favorite city to visit. But now, it is just not the same. I used to live in Chalmette. I would say now, perhaps San Francisco, but I am terrified of the earthquakes. Maybe Denver or Colorado Springs.

    6. Right now, I’d rather be in Venice, having tea on the Grand Canale, surrounded by history and art 🙂

    7. I do the blog reading at home.

    8. I have a laptop, but often, as now, use my iPad.

    9. One goal: To get at least 5 books read this month.

    10. The last restaurant I ate at would be Colton’s Steakhouse.

    11. Daddy died in 1989.

    12. I found your blog through the Thursday Thirteen site. I liked it, so came back.

    13. I will go from here back to the Thursday Thirteen site to see who is next on the list. I wonder who they will be and what they have chosen to think and write about.

    It has been more fun than I anticipated sharing my answers with you. Thank you, again, for asking. I hope you have a nice rest of the week. If you’d like to, I’d like to know your answers to the questions too. Know you better too. You could even just email them to me if that would be easiest for you. Or you are always welcome at my blog. Ta 🙂

  3. Hmm. Something to make the reader think!
    1. I’m from a rural area in southwest Virginia.
    2. No kids.
    3. I can’t think of any, as I did without chocolate for 10 years due to migraines and I’m currently facing doing without shellfish forever because of an allergy. The chocolate thing was hard, though.
    4. I needed a different writing outlet.
    5. Home.
    6. Nowhere, to be honest.
    7. Home.
    8. Both.
    9. Lose weight.
    10. Cracker Barrel
    11. Umm.
    12. Thursday Thirteen
    13. Additional Thursday Thirteen blogs.

    1. 1. City, southern Wisconins.
      2. No
      3. Chocolate.
      4. I honestly don’t remember. A lot of friends has them, and it seemed a good way to share.
      5. Washington, DC — so much to see and do!
      6. France. Or Norway.
      7. I think it’s pretty evenly split.
      8. PC, though there are times I wish I had a laptop.
      9. Get my bike out.
      10. Ella’s Deli, a fun local establishment
      11. Nothing.
      12. Through Thursday Thirteen
      13. Another T13 blog.

  4. 1. Near Houston, TX
    2. yes
    3. Ben & Jerry’s chocolate peanut butter swirl ice cream. Can’t imagine.
    4. a friend
    5. Orange county, CA
    6. Cozumel
    7. home
    8. laptop
    9. clean out my dreadful closet
    10.Kat’s deli
    11. My twins were 2 yrs old
    12.Thursday 13
    13. Facebook

  5. I have two kids, The Boy and The Girl. The Boy is 16 and recently got his driving learner’s permit. We’ve been having great fun driving around. The Girl is 14 and looking forward to starting high school next year. When I’m not writing, they are the world to me.

  6. 1. Laramie Wyoming, Pop. ~27,000 One of the larger cities in our state.
    2. Two wonderful boys–one age 8, one age 2
    3. Seafood or beef–I love a good steak and seafood is our treat food.
    4. I started reading the journals they had on Baby Center and then Momformation and Found Sprite’s Keeper and some other blogs. I lurked for months before getting the courage to start my own.
    5. Hands down my favorite city was Clearwater Beach Florida.
    6. At home sleeping.
    7. It’s a mix of work and home.
    8. PC all the way.
    9. To get out camping for fun with the family.
    10. Chilis
    11. My wedding–that’s the summer Nick and I got married.
    12.I think it was through Keely’s Random Tuesday. I think I commented on a post of yours and you came and commented back and then I saw you over at Mamarazzi’s and well just kept coming to see what you have up. I do feel a bit of kinship with you–you are as out numbered at home as I am.
    13. Back to the training modules I’m doing for work.

  7. What a fun ~TTT~
    1. Washington State
    2. I have 3 kids. 10, 8, 1 (started all over at the beginning again…good bye lazy satuurdays when the kids got their own breakfast)
    3. Yes (I love food…its hard to name just one.)
    4. I want to be a writer and many friends that write have blogs and so I decided to start one. I had one for several years and then ditched all the old and have stared fresh. It is a good outlet for me to be inspired.
    5. Kenai Alaska
    6. Myrtle Beach
    7. I blog from home and most often read from home as well.
    8. Both however I use the PC most often.
    9. To blog at least 6 times combined for the two blogs that I contribute to.
    10. Olive Garden
    11. I got married n 1998 at the age of 19. We are still married and actually like each other most days 🙂
    12. Through the Thursday Thirteen site.
    13. I will perhaps take a look at a few more lists before I make dinner.

  8. Great questions! Cool, an interactive TT!

    1–I’ve live in a mid-sized town in Northern Illinois for many years, but I call Texas my home.
    2–Three grown-up kids and two adorable grandsons.
    3–If I couldn’t eat chocolate for the rest of my life, I would be sad. I’m a type 2 diabetic, but I can still enjoy most things if I’m careful.
    4–I started blogging in 2003, at the suggestion and encouragement of a friend.
    5–I honestly think New York City is my favorite. Although I wouldn’t want to live there, I adore visiting!
    6–Right now I’d rather be in Texas with my grandchildren.
    7–I do all of my blog reading at home.
    9–I would like to lose 3 or 4 pounds this month.
    10–The last fast-food restaurant I ate at was Arby’s. The last restaurant was a wonderful place called Egg Harbor.
    11–1998–the year my oldest son graduated from high school.
    12–Thursday Thirteen.
    13–Probably participating in a blog hop called “Booking Through Thursday” with my book blog, Cindy’s Book Club

    Awesome list! Hope you’ll stop by and visit me:

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  9. 1. I’m from the Central Valley
    2. I have two kids. A boy, 11 and a girl, 9.
    3. Cheesecake
    4. I started my blog so I could comment on another blog and it just kept going from there.
    5. I haven’t visited many places. But so far my favorite is Santa Cruz. I love the boardwalk.
    6. The beach
    7. I blog from home
    8. I have a laptop. I looooooooove my laptop
    9. To run/walk 5 days a week. I have shin splints right now so I’m trying to let them heal
    10. Marie Callendar’s
    11. My wedding, ugh.
    12. You stopped by from TT
    13. I’m going back to going through the comments on my blog and replying to everybody. It’s like internet thank you cards!

  10. If you have time to go through my archives, I think you will find all the answers to your questions on my blog. 🙂

    But to summarize, I’m a mother of 2 in the province of Alberta. And my fave US city is Orlando for obvious reason. I got to your blog through T13. Happy weekend.

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